Sunday, October 19, 2008

A new workshop: Berlin

First let me mention the members of group Ieva, Travis, Steve, Pip and me Veronica
Our group started from this first concept:

an artist or musician who lived, created or had a concert in Berlin

Follow his road from home to cafeteria, to his workshop or to visit his friends

The category chosen:Art, Music and Architecture

First brainstorming: we change here and there

No more artists, now we have radio drama and mystery

Iconography/Visual - The Berlin Wall

Style of website/podcast interface - Rough (possibly hand drawn) graphics, with very crisp Web 2.0 style icons for navigation/all tasks. Trying to steer away from standard header-footer-left menu kind of deal, whilst still maintaining good usability.

Time Setting - 1950s/1960s

Place - Berlin

The Concept -

What we discussed today is some kind of combination between a murder-mystery night, a radio-drama and a skavenger hunt. The idea is that we find a spy story (internet, book, relative - whatever) to take our "factual" elements from. We then write a "podplay" (see - screenplay) for the story, finding a way to fit it into our 5 minute podcast. We talked about the possibilty of having the flashPacker go into a bar to order a drink, where upon they will receive instructions about what to do next (NB - This is a VERY loose example, please don't get hung up on it. The point is that it would be interesting for the flashPacker to have some interaction with the environment).

50's/early 60's is the time, so it's all Trilbys and trench-coats, people. Steve has a firm grasp on the "spy music" that will be our background track. The idea is that the "tour" should be done at night, to help add to the atmosphere.

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