Sunday, October 19, 2008

Night podwalk in Berlin

Here we start:
The concept

Combination between a murder-mystery night, a radio-drama and a hunt. Spy story fit it into 5 minute podcast. Possibility of having the the flash-Packer to have some interaction with the environment and involved in to the trip/game.
"Spy music" as a background track.
We were given the challenge to create a Pod-walk that can relate in some way to Berlin. We chose to focus on the cold war in the 1950´s as this was the heyday of east-west espionage. The atmosphere of that era is something we thought could be fascinating to translate to a Pod-walk, as it has so many aspects and angles to it.We discussed how to tackle the idea and came up with a radio drama, a story or a combination of stories sown together with a narrative theme based on the listener (Pod-walker) playing a central role witnessing the story first hand and taking part through direction given to them as the play unfolds.

Production plan
The location will be filmed and photographed and documented when in Berlin and then the material will be sent to the 5 team members who will then piece it together.
There will be voice actors, sound effects, various forms of music, flash imagery based on an east German style from that period. We want to captivate the spy universe of 1950´s Berlin. The podcast lasts for only 5 min but intended as an appetizer as we have planned to extend the story through our website to the full version where listeners can get the story in its entirety. Espionage is the second oldest profession it always has an edge of intrigue, cold blooded murder, a touch of glamor ,betrayal and usually a hero/heroine lies at the end of it. The true Berlin and what went on in those days may never really surface but we can …imagine

The message
The general idea of creating a radio style play fits the format of Podwalking as the listener is the story He/She is physically there where the event took place a witness to a time long gone….

For example
”Georgi stepped behind the man, a tall quiet figure, he could hear him breathing intensely, nervously, knowing that he had not that much long to live. He reached into his coat pocket grabbed the long cool blade and without a whisper of hesitation stabbed the man repeatedly.. the man fell to the stone cold floor, his body violently shaking in spasms, blood trailing profusely from under his coat. The general smiled at Georgi, a smile that would freeze that October night sky, You have done well..he said the Kremlin will be pleased, I will see you are rewarded in the correct fashion.”

Target group
From 18 till 88. People interested in history, mystery and adventures.
Berliners and tourists. People who looking for new experience, adventures and willing to see Other side of the Berlin. Pod-walk for people who tired of typical guided tour, for people who miss adrenalin.

Iconography and visualization
Style of website/podcast interface - Rough (possibly hand drawn) graphics mixed with photo images as collage, with very crisp Web 2.0 style icons for navigation/all tasks. Trying to steer away from standard header-footer-left menu kind of deal, whilst still maintaining good usability.

Slide 5

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